Finance Article Categories

Sharia Banking - Making Profit Without Interest
Sharia banking, also known as Islamic banking, refers to the type of banking activities which is based on the principles of Islamic law (Sharia of Shariah in Arabic). It also involves the application of the Sharia principles through the development of Islamic economics. How is it different from conventional banking?
Vendor Integration Services: The More the Merrier
For financial institutions (FIs), consumer data from outside vendors is important during the decisioning, origination, and fraud prevention processes. Oftentimes, FIs are restricted to what vendors can be used and what data can be collected.
This is the result of a number of factors including systems that only support certain data formats and vendors that require data exclusivity. With modern systems and data collectors however, institutions have the advantage of using vendor integration services (VIS). Modern VIS systems give FIs the ability to use data from multiple vendors regardless of format.
Surviving Today's Tough Economic Times
Today more than anytime in our recent history, everyone is dealing with rising prices on the basics and decreasing expendable income. Even after tightening our belts, we have to find other ways to make ends meet.
How to Network in Finance
When I used the word "network", many of you might be thinking that I will provide you a list of Investment Banks, Private Equity funds and Finance companies. While the list is important, it's also important to look at how to approach people and network in Finance. Networking is building and maintaining relationships. Whatever you want to learn, be it Finance or networking, there are strategies and tactics.
CFD Dividends
Dividends are money, stock or property offered by companies to share holders as a way of sharing their profits. Dividends are usually quoted as the amount each share will receive, meaning the total dividend payment will be the dividend amount multiplied by the amount of shares a share holder owns. Dividends are issued twice a year with the two payments known as the interim dividend and the final dividend.
Can Better Billing Practices Improve Cash-Flow, Cost Effectiveness and Customer Satisfaction?
Billing is never the most exciting of subjects for business owners or managers, coming as it does as the last and perhaps most administrative or clerical step in the sales to delivery cycle. However, being a last step should not relegate it to being the least important and there is actually plenty of evidence to suggest that efficient billing practices may be one of the most critical. In this article we will therefore briefly explore why better billing practices can have a significant impact on cash-flow, cost-effectiveness and customer satisfaction for the merchant (as well as several equally beneficial, and linked,...
Why Investors Love Dividends
Investors get a lot of benefits from buying companies that pay dividends. These dividends contribute to the overall growth of a portfolio by helping to generate positive income.
Hedging With C
Hedging is a trading technique that allows you to protect your trades against unexpected losses by offsetting long positions with corresponding short positions to ensure a profit whether the market moves up or down. Hedging also allows you to remain in investments that you may have otherwise been forced to leave with substantial losses. CFDs can be used as a hedging strategy to help protect existing positions.
The Four Best Ways To Invest In Your Children's Financial Future
When speaking of the four greatest ways to invest in your children's future, one must start at home. Proper upbringing is an investment that will continue paying dividends into a child's future. Some basic examples may include:
Investment Analysis - A Financial Analyst's Day and Age
The evolution of investment analysis dates back to the very beginnings of human society. Going back to the barter and gift economies that eventually gave birth to commodity money the concept of analysing the value of investments was a big part of the development of societies as we know them today.
Different Styles of Options
Different styles of options include European options, American options, Bermudan options, Barrier options, Exotic options and Vanilla options (a vanilla option being any option that is not exotic). European options are options that may only be exercised on their expiration date, while American options can be exercised on or before that date. American options expire on the third Saturday of every month and are closed for trading the Friday before, while European options expire the third Friday of every month and are closed for trading on the Thursday before.
Different Types of Options
There are a number of different types of options, including exchange-traded options, over-the-counter options and employee stock options. Exchange-traded options are options that are listed on exchanges. These options have standardised contracts defined by the exchange, and this standardisation can make accurate pricing models available to investors.
Do You Need a Bank Account?
People who don't maintain bank accounts keep their cash in sock drawers or under their mattresses. But how safe is your cash in those sack drawers or under your mattress? Because of cash's vulnerability to theft, keeping them in a more secure place, like bank accounts, is better - for the sake of peace of mind.
Maintaining a Stress-Free Bank Account
Life in itself is full of complexities. Keeping track of your banking transactions can add up to the stress life brings. Once the need for cash arises, there would be danger that your check is dishonored and your credit card disregarded. The tool that would best inform you of your bank account's status is your checkbook register.
Get A Clear Estimation Of Savings Through Novated Lease Calculator
The novated lease calculator offers an accurate estimation of savings for selected vehicles under a specific novated lease scheme. The term novated lease refers to a new form of motor vehicle lease,common in Australia.

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