Life Beneath a Tree

Trees not only provide life, they provide comfort. This is especially true when the weather gets too hot and escaping to the shade seems like the obvious and perfect thing to do. Almost all holiday creature comforts can be done under a tree, such as:
When the sun is out it is practically criminal not to dine outdoors. Of course, eating directly under the sun can be uncomfortable and doesn't necessarily encourage an appetite.
Placing your outdoor dining table under a tree however is the perfect solution. You can still be outside with the warmth at your back but you have the gentle shade of a tree overhead. Food will keep at a nice temperature and people can sit back and enjoy their lunch or breakfast without sweating uncomfortably.
One of the best parts about being on holiday is all of the rest you get to catch up on. You can quite literally sleep all afternoon and not feel guilty for it. And the great part about summer holiday (or holiday in a warm climate any time of year) is that you can enjoy your naps outside. Of course you may not necessarily want to doze off in the heat. Not only is a bit uncomfortable, but you may wake up looking like a lobster. Hanging a hammock under a tree or simply lying out on a blanket is a great place to take in a snooze.
Holiday is a great time to catch up on your reading. It's an activity that requires no physical activity and yet works your brain and imagination while entertaining you. Bright sunshine can be very distracting on your eyes, not to mention that sweating profusely while you're trying to enjoy a book is far from ideal. Curling up under a tree to enjoy a great read is one of life's greatest little pleasures. You can even combine it with the two suggestions above by packing a little picnic with you and allowing yourself to doze off between chapters!
Catching up with friends:
Holidays are always nice to spend with friends and family. If you are lucky enough to be staying on a large property, beach or anywhere where there are places you can wander away and hide in, you might enjoy escaping to some of them to have a little catch up with a friend. You know that no one will be able to hear your conversations or distract you from your alone time. There you can enjoy playing a game of cards, drinking a glass of wine or just gossiping.

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