About Vikings in Denmark

Denmark is considered as the heartland of the society of Vikings particularly during 800 to 1050 AD. According to books, Danish Vikings attacked and raided several towns, monasteries and churches all over the western part of Europe. Then, they sailed away to escape or to hide themselves from people. Most of them went to faraway lands such as Constantinople.
Vikings in Denmark are said to be excellent merchants. They had experiences in trading in almost every part of the world. Those that lived in France and England are believed to be influential when it comes to shaping their destinies. The Viking era actually refers to the time of the Scandinavian explorers, pirates, merchants and warriors.

 They explored, traded and pulverized many parts of the Earth during their time. Most of them settled in islands of the North Atlantic but some chose to stay in Europe.
Vikings are also known as Norsemen. In order for them to travel, they made use of their long ships as they travel around the world including Russia, Iceland, Newfoundland and Greenland. The Viking era or the Viking Age was the time of expansion for the Danish Vikings. This has played an important part in the history of Ireland, Scandinavia, Britain and many other parts of Europe.
The Vikings have always been associated with Denmark which is actually known as the Home of the Vikings. The Danish Vikings are believed to have been responsible for the building of the Danish Kingdom as they developed the history and culture of the said Scandinavian country. Danish people are adventurous mainly because they have the "Barbaric North" running through their veins.
Viking is a word that means "people of the bay" but is chiefly translated to "pirates." The Vikings in Denmark were thought of as plundering barbarians who were capable of scaring merchants and traders in almost every part of Europe. The Danish Vikings are extremely great at seafaring. Most of their houses were placed along the coastlines of Denmark. They either lived in huge fortresses or small villages where the long ships can be seen. Apart from long ships, there was also the longhouse in which the Viking families lived. All families stayed with their cattle in a large room. From their longhouses, they would expand their territories in nearby locations by traveling.
When one thinks of the Vikings in Denmark, he will imagine instantly the typical Viking outfit that we might have seen on the movies. This involves the tunica armor set which consists of a broad warrior sword and a horned helmet. The Vikings used gold which was Amber. They utilized this to make jewelry and ornaments. Though the Vikings in Denmark were feared and many people today think of them as dangerous and troublesome, they were actually the builders of history in the said country. They were geniuses when it comes to building ships and they also developed their own alphabet which they exploited during the Viking era.
There are also legendary and heroic Vikings in Denmark including Thor and Odin who were known as the gods of Nordic myth.

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