All Religion - Sisters And Brothers Should Help Each Other

The real fiery pit or heavenly host is in the mind, not anywhere outside of ourselves. That is the key to this article and that is the point. With that, sisters and brothers should genuinely help each other, not judge each other through this whole existence and life. In all logic and fairness to reality there is not any other way to be in life when looking at things in "cold factual reality." But when your thoughts are mixed up, there are "other ways to look at things" including judging the person across from you with any intolerance.

 Genuine intolerance says the word "finished" on the brow of anyone who genuinely practices it, and the words "I know it all" in an unjustified way are said in a closed minded way.
When I mention open mindedness, I do not mean indiscriminate behavior though, I mean what Jesus Christ and the Greek scholar Socrates meant: "With all your getting, get understanding." That is not indiscriminate logic, that is genuine logic right there. Understanding is the key to genuine spiritual and religious thought, not intolerant "thumping" and fear mongering. Deep understanding does not come from being finished, it comes from starting and going on with your growth and life forever in an energetic way. Now, right, wrong and maybe are not the only three choices, you have everything below zero and everything above zero, and the place where it all starts, an infinity valued logic if you will. Understand before judgment at any level and you will genuinely understand.
Consideration, calculation and knowing only come from the process I have just mentioned above. Other than the process of consideration, calculation and knowing, there are no other processes to understand and assimilate knowledge and understanding at all spiritual and physical levels.
So, when I quote a saying like "with all your getting, get understanding." This is what I really mean: We must all consider, calculate and then know in that order. Nothing can circumvent or beat the genuine and real learning process as a law that works for all things mental, physical and spiritual. You can take the law out of the equation, but you cannot take the reality out of the genuine immutable and unchangeable law.
Tolerance or intolerance, your choice, your reality, but, only you can genuinely choose for yourself at any level. That is the ultimate law of reality. We all must make a choice.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action

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