Breast Cancer - Is Radiation in Our Environment Causing More Cancer?

Breast and thyroid tissue are the most sensitive to the cancer causing effects of radiation. The effects of radiation may not be noticed immediately since the danger lies in a buildup of exposure over many years. The accumulation of radiation may manifest as cancer anytime within 40 years after exposure.
Environmental estrogens from plastic and other chemicals work synergistically with radiation which increases the danger of developing cancer when exposed to both radiation and environmental estrogens.

In the 1950's the American government endangered the population by testing nuclear weapons. When Dr Carl Johnson studied cancer rates in women, he discovered that women living in the fallout path of the Nevada nuclear test site had double the incidence of breast cancer after the testing compared to before.
Exposure to radiation can be measured by assessing the levels of strontium-90 in the baby teeth of children. The 'Tooth Fairy Project' tests the teeth of children in the U.S. Children living in the path of the plumes of nuclear power reactors have more radiation in their teeth and have contracted a higher than average rate of rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. These children with cancer have nearly double the levels of strontium-90 in their teeth compared to children who are cancer free.
Frequent flying, x-rays, and mammograms expose us to radiation. A jet flight of six hours gives an exposure of 5 milliards of radiation and a chest x-ray to 16 milliards.
Natural substances such as brown seaweeds, kelp, sargassum and bladderwrack contain calcium and sodium alginates, which are gel-like substances that bind to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, barium, radium, plutonium, strontium and cesium in the gastrointestinal tract. They form insoluble salts that are eliminated in the stools.
Laboratory studies of rats showed that sodium alginate did not allow the uptake of radioactive particles to the bone by 80% when added to the diet. Seaweeds are also an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, and protein, as well as being very alkaline on the body.
Petrochemicals such as gasoline and those that include formaldehyde have been seen as a cause for cancer in animals. Although it may be hard to believe, many products which seem so innocent, contain formaldehyde. Products such as air deodorizers, antiperspirants, cleaning solutions, cosmetics, detergents, disinfectants, dry cleaning compounds, mouthwashes, nail polish, perfume, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, plastics, shampoos, soaps, toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, and preservatives may not be as harmless as they may seem to be.
Organochlorines have been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals. Samples taken from breast cancer biopsies have shown to have much higher levels of these toxins than samples from benign lumps or breast tissue without cancer. A Finnish study done in 1990 found that the organochlorine beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (b-HCH) was 50% higher in the cancerous tissue than in healthy breast tissue.
These Organochlorines are in plastics and pesticides, they are also formed as by products of chlorine based industries. These are the used in the bleaching of pulp for paper, disinfecting of water, and even bleaching wheat flour.

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