How to Recognize Your Calling to Serve the Greater Good

With the economy on the tip of another recession and the job market at an all time high. There's a sense of needing to know what am I really put here on earth to do? What will my future hold? What is my calling in life?
For a variety of reasons, our calling seems to be the least understood and an untapped facet in our lives. A calling is a commission that comes from the deepest part of ones self. It is the feeling that there is something greater than ourselves that we must be doing. There's an important part of ourselves that must be fulfilled, it's a sense of being apart something bigger than we are, of leaving a legacy, of making the difference in the lives of others. A calling keeps things in prospective, it keeps us from focusing on self for a greater good. Some of us find our calling to be a sense of turning a wrong to right in society.
Many find their calling through their relationship with God, when they feel the presence of God calling them to serve Him in a particular way. Others will find their calling to be broader to serve their nation, company, family or community. There are many variations in how one experiences a sense of duty in their calling. It comes to the older as well as the younger. Through hardship or joy, urging one to move forward to make a difference in the lives of others. While a calling usually aligns with a persons passion in life, the fact that it comes from an external force (God) makes it no less predictable and easy to understand. Here are some tips that might help you to get a better understanding about what God has called you to do in your life. The greatest gift that God has given us is the ability to speak to Him and to hear His voice. The ability to have a personal relationship that helps you to navigate through life.
1. Who will you serve?
One of the clearest clues to your calling is found in people or needs you feel that you're drawn to and want to make a difference in. To Identify your calling you would have to ask yourself some questions.
(a) Who do you want to help in your life?
(b) What kind of people would you most like to make a difference for?
These two questions are the driving force behind your calling, and what you are gifted to do. Don't get down on yourself if you don't have an answer right away, sometimes we have to dig really deep before we realize what it is we are called to do and what burns deep down inside of us. God know the plans that He has for you. Jeremiah 29: 11 "For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." Many of times we get frustrated because we want answers now. God know what He created you for and what He created you to be, so trust Him.
2. There is serve in suffering
Many of times people will find their calling through the sufferings that one had to endure. They care deeply about others who are going through the same suffering as they once did. Ask yourself these questions.
(a) What individuals, group or need do I deeply identify with through my own pain and suffering?
(b) What difficulties in my life that I faced that was my defining moment, and how did I overcome it?
This is away to reflect and take the time to see what your passionate about. Many times are calling is that very things that we've gone through ourselves. God's word say it like this: 2Corinthians 1:3-4 "Blessed be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." This might be your calling to help those who are going through that very thing that God brought you out of.
3. Turning it over to God.
Being called by God is a powerful sense of destiny in the lives of His people. While there are one who have used their calling to hurt and not to help people (Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler and the list goes on) there are a great number of people who are unknown who have lived to fulfill their purpose of their calling to serve others to a greater good. This is the time to ask yourself these questions.
(a) What do your spiritual values have to say about your purpose in life?
(b) What has God put you on this earth for ans what are you made to do for others?
As you take the time to reflect on these question, one of the most important things is to make sure you take everything to God in prayer. Prayer is the tool that God has give us to communicate with Him and to hear what His spirit is saying to us. With all that is going on in the world today, it's time to reinvent one's self and walk in what God has called you to walk. There are those who are called to make a living, and then there are those who are called to make a difference, which one are you?

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