Make More Money Than Ever Before

Everywhere across the media today, the news on the BBC, Fox or Bloomberg, everyone is concerned at the state of the World Economies. And I suppose who can blame them? Economies are failing, the cost of living is rising and people are Losing their jobs in the thousands.
It's Everywhere, and the closer you look it's nothing but more doom & gloom, job losses, repossessions, failing economies and negative headlines... So what does everyone do?
They look toward government and Central Banks for the answers or wish for some super hero banker or politician to step up with a dollar sign on his chest, and sweep down to save the World Economies from the impending gloom and disaster.
Sorry, but we all know that this won't happen. No matter how pro-business or trade they are or profess to be, this will just not happen. Bankers, Politicians or governments won't save the worlds economies because they can't. Let's face it. they caused this whole debacle between themselves anyway! They as Central Banks or Central Government, Congress or whatever you want to label it, don't actually produce anything, apart from a whole lot of hot air! What they generally do is over regulate or strangulate commerce and business as the case may be.
Then what actually started to happen back in 2008 was an attempt to redistribute and stimulate the worlds economies via Quantitative Easing, the government and Central banks answer to the world economic situation. This was a move to try and buy time to enable the recovery to start to happen, and then we ended up right back where we started, only it's now looking much worse. Which is why, if you're an Entrepreneur then you are actually doing far more for the wider Global Economy than any politician or political policy group ever does.
This is why Entrepreneurs are so important to any economy or the world's economies for that matter, and that's why we need more Entrepreneurs, and right now more than ever before. What we don't need more of are bureaucrats and politicians!
If you have ever entertained the idea of wanting to be an Entrepreneur, well all I can say to you is - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Your country needs you! - The world needs you! You and me, we're the last line of defence against more poverty, homelessness and starvation. When the proverbial hits the fan, it's Entrepreneurs who help the recovery by growing businesses, feeding commerce, feeding cash into the system and providing jobs. As every day passes that you're not an Entrepreneur, is lost opportunity... Why you may ask?
Because it's during dark economic times like this when Entrepreneurs make out like bandits in a Gold Rush, like a feeding frenzy, making and Creating more money to feed back into the world pot. Speaking of Dark Economic times did you know that there were more millionaires created during The Great Depression of the 1930's than in any other period of modern history? So let's be clear about this and really underline what the message is here. You, me, or anyone who wants to become an Entrepreneur can PROFIT from the current economic situation. Or we can take cover and cower in fear and regret just like most of the rest of the world's population will unfortunately be doing. Why just sit back and trust that the Bankers and politicians will sort this mess out for you. Do you really think that they will be putting our best interests first?
The choice is yours and it's a clear choice - but what are you going to do about it?

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