Making Great Tasting Low Calorie Food

Making great tasting low calorie food is most peoples goal, but not one that many actually know how to accomplish. It's possible though, and can be done easily, by just making some adjustments in your thoughts about how you prepare food.
A lot of what people eat on a daily basis is cooked in oils. Oils have essential fatty acids that are important for good nutrition-but in very small amounts. Everything you eat shouldn't be cooked in oil. So how do you cut down on these oils?
One great way is to steam your food. Using a vegetable steamer to prepare your food cuts down on cooking with oils, and is easy to use. You can add spices and herbs without adding any real calories to your food, and a lot of steamers these days have flavor screens that you can put these flavors into so they get steamed into your food.
When you go to steam food the first thing to understand is that for even cooking you need to cut everything about the same size. You also want to cook different vegetables separately. Broccoli and cauliflower can be cooked together, and so can different types of squash, but that's because they have similar density. To make cooking multiple foods at the same time easier look into getting a steamer with multiple tiers. You can add the baskets as cooking goes on so that your food will all be done at the same time.
So what types of food should you cook this way? Great foods to steam include eggplant, zucchini, corn, edamame, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, peas, black beans, pearl onions, brussel sprouts, red peppers cut into strips, bok choy, and new potatoes-just to name a few. Fun ingredients to play with for flavor include garlic (you can throw in whole cloves or minced), rosemary, thyme, Italian seasoning mixes, smoked paprika, dill, and red pepper flakes-again, just to name a few.
Once done, you can eat these foods straight away, or you can add them to things. For instance, a great tasting low calorie meal is a wrap. Instead of using something like mayonaise, use hummus. It's got a lot of great nutrients in it and without all of the fat. You don't have to stick to plain hummus either, mix it up with some garlic or rosemary or olive or red pepper flavored hummus-there are a lot of options out there. Once you spread that on your wrap just go ahead and throw in whatever veggies you've steamed. Try some black beans, corn, and zucchini with lettuce. Or try any mixture of the vegetables listed above! This will give you a lot of variety in one low calorie meal idea

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