Secret to Answered Prayers

People pray every day, some for hours, and the majority don't get answers to their prayers. Is it that God isn't hearing them? No; that is far from it. The reason for unanswered prayers is lack of knowledge of how to pray. Once you know how to pray, everything you ask for in prayer would be yours in a matter of time. As it is said by Jesus in the book of Mathew (in the Bible) - "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Mathew 21:22)
A lot of people have read the above passage in the Bible, but still don't get answered prayers, and they don't know what they are doing wrong.

 If you pay attention and read the verse again, you would notice that the word "believing" is in italic; that is because it is the secret to answered prayers. It is the belief in your mind that your prayer has been answered that leads to your prayer being granted.
Think about it- how do a lot of people approach praying? A good percent of people only pray when things are bad, and they half believe in their mind that they would get answered. Some people go to prayer crying; some pray when they have fear in their mind; some finish praying and start worrying about the problem again. Once you pass the request to your Father in heaven, you should have faith in your mind that your prayers have been answered, and not bother yourself with that problem again, because it has been answered. If you would recall, all the miracles Jesus performed in the Bible, he always said one thing- "your faith has healed you".
So, that is the secret; you must have faith that God is more than able to solve the problem, and believe that once you end that prayer, it is just a matter of time before you start seeing results. At this point, I know a lot of people are thinking- "but how do I make sure I believe every time I pray?" To tackle this, we must first ask why you don't believe in the first place. He is your God, and in your natural state, you are supposed to be able to communicate with him like you communicate with your physical father. But what you see around you every day has created the doubt you have, and have caused a resistance between you and your answered prayers. So, what you should be working on is how to completely remove that resistance, or reduce it.
Times to Pray
The best times to pass your request to your Heavenly father are when you are very still or in a high positive frequency. To make sure you are very quiet and still, pray early in the mornings, late at night, or at very quiet places where you cannot be disturbed and your mind can quiet down. At these times, activities from your conscious mind are reduced to nil, and since it is the cause of most of the doubt in the first place, it is easier for your prayers to get answered. And secondly, pass your request over when you are having a praise session in church or in your home, and you are in a joyous state. At this state, you would be operating high in the positive frequency, which shatters all resistance, and allows more positive into your life.

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