Simply Write Your Paycheck Sitting AT Home

I am a freelance writer, and, needless to say, I am working from home. I got sucked into this situation by two circumstances. These are:
- At 63 years of age, I am retired;
- A good-size container cannot hold my writing juice.
Never mind if my writing skills are not as good as those raking in millions of dollars a year. Having the itch is good enough than not having one at all.
Do you have the itch?
There are now more than 4 million people, world-wide, working from home and the number is increasing exponentially each month. Yes, the market is getting a little crowded but there will always be a space for people with the itch.

I say "itch" because we all know what it is and how to deal with it - by scratching.
The question is, "do you the itch?"
If you think you have because millions of others think they have, think again. Most of them will never be able to write their paychecks from home even if they wear their fingers to a stub from scratching or scratch their skins raw.
Why? Because they were taken in for a ride by gurus whose business is to sell work-from-home packages promising millions of dollars after plugging into their system. They were taken in by emotion-laden buzzwords like:
- Independence:
- No commute:
- Being able to manage your own time;
- Quality time with family:
If you must, do it your way:
Frank Sinatra's song "I Did it My Way," is immortal not because of he sung it but because it aroused in people their primal instinct to be to be free, to do what they wish, write their own rules, live their own lives and dream their own dreams and live it.
If you must, do it because of your own itch, not of others. Do it for your own, your way, your rules, your dreams.
Independence? It is not absolute. We all are bound by limitations called responsibilities. If you must do it, do it not because you want to be independent but because you want to grab your responsibilities by the horns and tame it. That is the only way you can write your own destiny and your paycheck.
And if you exercise a little circumspection, all the other buzzwords are the same apple presented in different forms.
Identify your desire:
It might sound a little foolish knowing that we all have desires so numerous that a thousand genies will not be enough to satisfy them. Santa's pack of reindeer cannot take off by the sheer weight of a single person's desires.
Napoleon Hill, in his book Think and Grow Rich, identifies "Desire" as the first principle to riches. He wrote, "When a man desires a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future into a single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win."
Without desire, everything is an excuse for a lame existence; drifting through life not making a ripple and getting stuck in a bank in a wilderness of humanity, yet unnoticed.
My desire is to write a $2,000.00 worth of sales copy. It can happen tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. I don't know. But I am damn certain I can make it happen within my lifetime - which is getting shorter by the day.
What is your desire?

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