Some Techniques That Improve Memory

There are all sorts of tools you can use that improve memory. I'm going to tell you about one you may never have thought of before.
Let's face it, we're all overscheduled. And we're often overloaded with information propelled at us at lightning speed. It's hard to keep up. And with all the distractions, it's even harder to remember.
I'm the kind of person who forgets the small stuff-and often sweats it, too. I'm talking about the simplest of things-like how long it takes to microwave a potato or the last time I watered my plants.
It's this kind of memory loss that drives me crazy. I've tried writing out lists and other memory tricks, which are beneficial, but nothing like the technique I'm going to share.
It all began with the three little pigs...
Now you may be saying to yourself how can three little pigs possibly improve memory? Bear with me. We're going to talk about Yogi and Boo Boo, too.
I have discovered several games that improve memory. The one I like the most I call the Cartoon Improve Memory Game.
One of the keys to memory improvement is visualization. If you can associate a certain thing you need to remember with some type of visual, it becomes much easier to hold onto the information.
I take several vitamin supplements each day. For one of the supplements, I never can remember how many capsules to take.
I used the three little pigs to help me remember. Obviously, the number is three. The visual I used is an image of one of the little pigs holding the water glass, the second is counting out the tables and the third is the last little pig swallowing the capsules. Okay, granted, this may sound a little strange, but once I came up with the visual, I never had to read the directions again.
The point is to make the visuals as outrageous as possible. That's why I use cartoon characters. If you think about it, they're colorful, larger than life and have pleasant associations (unless, of course, you were traumatized as a child and the Wicked Witch, the Big Bad Wolf and other villains had you looking under the bed).
Here's another example. Say you want to remember you have an appointment at the dentist's office at two o'clock. You can place the two inhabitants of Jellystone National Park, Yogi Bear and Boo Boo, in the waiting room sharing a picnic basket.
Or how about Mickey Mouse and Mini? Perhaps they're in the waiting room holding hands.
Need some antacid, but can never remember to buy it? Visualize Bugs Bunny, after eating too many carrots, sitting in the passenger seat beside you with acid indigestion. If you plant this image in your mind before you leave for work, there's an excellent chance you'll remember to stop on the way home.
I know these are wacky images-as I said, the more ridiculous the better. Give it a try. If forgetfulness is as much of a problem for you as it has been for me, try the Cartoon Improve Memory Game. I'm sure you can find the right cartoon characters that improve memory for you. After all, you are smarter than the average bear.

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