Tips To Keep Thick, Healthy Hair

In many cases, hair loss can occur because the individual has unhealthy hair. Most people don't ever think about the health of their hair. After all, there is no pain, it doesn't run a fever, and it isn't life threatening no matter what condition it's in. However, when hair starts to fall out, all of a sudden its owner begins to get concerned. We each value our hair. It was originally conceived as a natural head covering to keep our heads from getting too cold. Eventually it evolved into a way that people could show their individuality and enhance their beauty. Thinning hair can be a very stressful thing, but it's one that, in many cases, doesn't need to happen.
Vitamins are extremely important to hair health. If you eat a balanced diet, it's likely that you're getting the nutrients you need to keep your hair in top shape. Unfortunately, many of us don't eat as well as we should, which means that we don't get all of the A, B, C, and E vitamins that are essential for keeping our hair in prime condition. Of all the vitamins for hair growth, you need to be most concerned about your intake of vitamin E which is necessary for maintaining scalp health. Make sure to include whole grains, beans, nuts, and green veggies in your diet in order to get the vitamin E you need.
Did you ever wonder why some people go gray and lose their hair at a very young age while others are very old before it happens? Part of it is probably heredity, but another big part in keeping your hair color and avoiding hair loss is getting plenty of B vitamins in your diet. Lack of B6 and B12 can cause you to lose extra hair. B3 increases blood circulation to your scalp which is important if you want to retain your hair. B5 is essential for hair growth. You can get plenty of B vitamins in your diet by eating such things as fish, milk, egg yolks, and whole grains.
A lot of keeping your hair healthy will depend on your intake of vitamin C. C, which is found in oranges and other citrus fruits, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, and green peppers, is an antioxidant which is essential for healthy hair. While you don't need a lot of vitamin A in your diet, and an excess amount can cause health problems, it's still necessary in moderation if you want healthy-looking, shiny hair. This is a vitamin you can get by eating vegetables, peaches and other fruits, milk, cheese, and eggs and is important for helping your scalp produce a critical substance called sebum.
Of course, you can take vitamin supplements to make sure that you maintain the health of your hair, but it's better for your whole body if you eat the foods that contain the nutrients you need.

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