10 Simple Abundance, Prosperity and Success Secrets To Dramatically Improve Your Life Now

If abundance, prosperity and success eludes you it is not because you are not capable. The mere fact you want something means you have the capability of achieving it.
However, wanting something does nothing to ensure you'll get what you want because, more often than not, your focus remains on exactly what you don't want. The fact of the matter is that what you focus on grows.
What this means as that your focus must change from what you don't want to what you do want. And this is not always easy to do.

However, by following these simple success secrets you will begin to notice yourself moving focus away from the things in your life that you don't want towards the things that you do want.
And life is much better when you do.
So, I hope you put these success secrets to good use but remember even though their simple they won't always be easy so don't be too hard on yourself if you find yourself slipping into old habits - just change your focus just as soon as you become aware.
Anyway, here are those secrets.
Forgive: Let go of the anger in your heart you have towards anyone or anything that has done you wrong. Forgiveness is a gift to you - not the perpetrator.
Stop whinging and whining: All you're doing is giving attention to what you DON'T want in life.
Take action: Wishing and hoping that things were different aren't going to make them different. Do something!
Change beliefs: Just because you believe something doesn't mean it's true. Anyway, you may not even be aware of the many unhelpful beliefs you hold and you can begin to change them using simple tools like affirmations.
Be grateful: Feeling gratitude is crucial. Instead of wishing you had more _____ or better _____ (you fill in the blanks) be grateful for what you do have.
Make decisions: You can't forsee the future anyway so any decision can't actually be right or wrong when you make it. It's when a decision is made that you work towards making it right.
Take responsibility: It's not the same thing as taking the blame. Taking responsibility moves you from victim to victor when bad things happen to you.
Set goals: Goals aren't meant to be motivating because, frankly, some things we need to get done are downright boring. Your dreams and visions are what will motivate you to achieve your goals and achieving goals gets you closer to your dreams.
Be generous: Don't horde, whatever you want share it around and more will come back to you.
Be a salesperson: You may think you don't need to sell but - you do. Learn the art of persuasion to motivate people to do what you want (great for parents too!). You will not achieve success all by yourself so you MUST be someone who people are happy to help to achieve.
Now, go and start implementing these abundance, prosperity and success secrets immediately because when you do your life will start to change for the better.
Sharon is a publisher of self help articles, affirmations and ebooks that inspire, motivate and teach people how to live life so that they can change their inner self talk to create a life of abundance, prosperity and success and, more importantly, to become bigger than the problems they'll inevitably face so that they can bounce back when life throws them unexpected problems and challenges.

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