Money Doesn't Make a Person Wealthy

Most people think that by having tons and tons of money, this makes one wealthy! This couldn't be further from the truth. You see, it's the other way around. A person has to be wealthy before you can manifest more money into your life. How can one be wealthy without having money you ask? Simple!!! Have a wealth consciousness.
Having a wealth consciousness simply means that you feel wealth, you think wealth, you speak wealth and then you act wealthy. That is what wealth consciousness means. For example, look at all the multimillionaires out there who have lost everything and then within a short period of time had it all back. It's simply because of their wealth consciousness. All they do is fell, think, speak and act wealthy. You would never catch them complaining that they don't have enough money or thinking negative thoughts. All these types of people do is feel, think, speak and act wealthy.

 It's as simple as that.
So if its more money you need in your life and you currently don't have enough, you need to start with your wealth consciousness. Don't worry if your bank account doesn't justify having wealth. You need to start thinking of the good things that you do have. Do you own a car? If so, that car get's you to and from work right! Do you have a roof over your head whether that be owning a home or renting an apartment? Your home or apartment provides a place for you to sleep and relax doesn't it! Do you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner or at least a couple meals each day? You have food then don't you! What about your health? You can breath, hear things, see things, feel things, walk and talk right! How about family and friends? You have family members and friends who care about you right! These are all things to be grateful for and by feeling grateful for them you have already started your wealth consciousness. This is how to easily establish a wealth consciousness.
The next part of this is to realize that The Source, or God, has made our world very abundant. The trees outside constantly grow new leaves don't they. The beaches have trillions and trillions of grains of sand don't they. There are more pieces of fruit that fall of the trees in tropical environments that could be used to feed our world for centuries! These are examples and truths to our world being abundant. And if these few simple things are true, which they are, then the same goes for money and everything else you want in life. But it all starts with having a wealth consciousness and you need to start today!
Start seeing that your world is abundant. Look at the area you live in. See the construction workers working on making our roads new and safer. Look at the home you live in and how nice it is to actually have a roof over your head. Look at the fact that you get to eat at least a couple descent meals each day. They are so many people living in 3rd world countries who would kill for these luxuries. They may seem small to you but when you stop and think about it, these luxuries really make us wealthy already. So right now, today, start realizing that you are already wealthy, start your wealth consciousness and forget about all your past worries. always remember that the past doesn't exist anymore and the future isn't even here yet. Focus on today, focus on your wealth consciousness and you will see your prosperity manifes

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