Do You Have Problem Remembering People's Names?

We all had occasions or situations where we have forgotten someone's name and it always happens when it is most inappropriate. When we are faced with meeting many people at business conferences and other events the essential information of remembering their name can evade us. Very often this occurs when we meet a person for the first time, because it is the first thing they tell us, then give us so much more information to take in:

what they do, who they represent etc, so therefore by the end of the conversation we remember everything about them but not the name.
Why does this happen?
Primarily it happens because we are concentrating on what we are going to say to them and thinking of ways we can help their business therefore we are not really focused on them.
What can we do about this?
It is a good idea to improve our memory, by developing the skills necessary to do this. It can make such a difference if you can create a good first impression and it will show your interest in the other person if you can close your conversation by including the person name.
Here are my 5 guidelines that will help you never to be in this situation again:)
1 - Resolve
Make it you resolution to remembering peoples names! Always think positive about the ability of your memory and it will not let you down. Tell yourself you can remember anybody's name. This will help your brain to be positive about remembering any name.
2 - Concentrate
Always pay attention when you first meet someone you will only remember them if you take notice of their name in the first place and link it to you impression of them. Always relax and focus on the person by listening to them and repeat their name during the conversation.
3 - Repetition
This is one of the main keys to remembering. Repetition etches the person's name in your mind. Immediately you hear the person's name repeat it in the conversation: "What does your business produce John?" Repeat the name to yourself to enforce it into your memory and always conclude the conversation with the person's name: " It was good to meet you John!"
4 - Idea Association
A helpful suggestion is to link the person's name with someone you know, it could be a friends or someone well known.
5 - Note and Remember
To write the person's name down and review it the next day is an infallible way to remember it. An even better idea is to create a database of contacts where you can write the person's name, date and place that you first met and other essential information about them.
This means that if they contact you or you have an appointment with them you can refresh your memory.
You can see that it is a valuable asset to be able to remember names both in a business or social context. So do try out these guidelines when you meet somebody for the first time.
I would love to hear how you overcome this type of situation!

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