Simple Guidelines For Overcoming Absentmindedness

In essence, absentmindedness can be explained as a problem which prevents people from focusing on what is happening within their immediate environment. Not only is this a big problem but it can also be extremely dangerous while driving. The eventual result is that you become less productive and less efficient as well. Not only will this have a negative impact upon your work proficiency but can specifically effect the way that you interact with other individuals.

Many individuals have no idea how widespread inattentiveness is. Mostly, it is not even considered as a acute problem. Over the years, though study has been conducted, science has not been successful at determining what 'mind wandering' really is. On an average, every adult individual day dreams about 30 percent of the time. Hence, studies are being conducted in regards to the real reasons behind absentmindedness and whether it has a harmful or beneficial impact upon our bodies.
Why do people suffer from memory loss or absentmindedness?
A lot of folks assume that the habit to day dream is a person's genetic inheritance. In medical terms, however, biological aspects can also be counted within the list of causes for memory loss such as massive exposure to smoking or drinking during pregnancy can cause a baby to be born this way as well as postnatal head injuries etc. Alternatively, doctors also say that kids tend to be day dreamers if they are born poor or had parents who did not really pay any proper attention to them. Other scientific theories relating the causes of absentmindedness or memory loss in young adults can be based upon things like unemployment or underemployment, mental torture as well as indecisiveness in addition to mood swings and substance abuse.
On the other hand, recent investigations have proven that there is a link between lack of vitamin 12 and absentmindedness. Thus, if you lack vitamin B12, you'll probably day dream more than the average human being. Your body needs vitamin B12 in order to allow your nervous system to function properly. Also, if your body is folic acid deficient then you might be prone to day dreaming a lot. Hence, folic acid supplements are good for fixing day dreaming issues.
Work related issues occur primarily due to your inability to focus on what you're doing. Inattentiveness can be the chief cause of your inability to understand situations and tasks, late completion of work as well as not getting yourself properly organized and so on.
How absentmindedness affects your life
Generally, such individuals who day dream a lot are not dedicated and efficient workers. Thus, these individuals never find themselves getting promotions or excellent grades at school. Sometimes, the problem is so grave that accomplishing simple routine tasks can become quite hectic. Just think of how your spouse or child would feel if you were to forget his or her birthday? Hence, these individuals find themselves at a disadvantage in almost every situation. For absentmindedness individuals, life can be very hard and that is why it's no surprise that some of them end up getting depressed quite frequently.
Fixing absentmindedness or memory loss
However, don't fret because there is a cure for absentmindedness. A couple of techniques can help you prevent absentmindedness. Your first priority should be to create fixed as well as focused moments. You should make an effort to concentrate on what you're doing as opposed to following a certain routine. The focus should be upon concentrating on the smallest of activities such as locking a window or a door in order to avoid having to question yourself later about whether you did it or not. If this technique is not enough then try to add visual images with whatever the task is that your performing.
Alternatively, if you want to avoid standing in the middle of a room with a blank look on your face, try to create a mental picture of you performing whatever the task was that got you to the room and I'm sure you won't forget it. All in all, when entering the room, you will be completely aware of the task at hand. Another important trick is related to placing items on the floor or somewhere that they don't belong. The items are triggers and will jolt your brain.
Triggers are also a sound way of getting rid of inattentiveness. As an example, in order to retrieve to take your briefcase, place your car keys next to it. Eventually, these techniques switch into habits and provide ample sustenance for memory loss in young adults.

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