Golden Rules Of Quality Conversations

Are you an entrepreneur? Would you like to start a home based business? Do you know what the most important part of running your business is?
Of course we all know that you need to get people interested in what you are doing! How do you do this? By having quality conversations with others. You will know with in the first few minutes of talking with someone if they are serious or just curious. If you want to waste your time, then go ahead and talk with the curious individuals, otherwise just let them know that this is not for them and move on.

 But if they are serious here are some rules for you to follow.
  1. Look for winners, people with the desire to succeed, not losers.
  2. Project the right energy. Get excited when you talk to others, smile, be happy and more importantly have fun. Have the attitude of a winner!
  3. Grab a pen and paper and take notes.
  4. Build relationships with your prospects. This one is the key to build your business, I will go into this more in number 5. Remember you are not a salesman, you are a business coach.
  5. Ask open questions-Always start with When, Why, Who And How, these will get the prospect to open up so you can start building that rapport with them. A few examples here are- What do you do for a living? How long have you been doing that? Why are you looking for something different? You will want to discover all of their desires. Make sure you ask questions about their family, occupation, and what they like to do for fun. Don't forget to write down all the answers for the follow up here.
  6. Always control the conversation! If they do start asking the questions, make sure you turn it around right away. Let them know that those are great questions, and you will get them all the information that they will need. Then take back control by asking another question or sending them to your web-site, a webinar or a call to get more information. Become a great listener, let them tell you why they need your help, them give them the solution.
  7. Close your prospect! Take out your notes and scan them quickly. Here's the good part, they already told you why they don't like their job and what they like to do for fun. Now use these in your closing statements. Remind them of their pain, and then give them a solution to their problems.
  8. Ask them if they have a pen and paper, tell them this is the next step, then send them where you want them to go. When you give your prospects a web-site or a phone number, always make sure they repeat it back to you.
Start asking questions with everyone you come into contact with, this is great practice for your business. It will also help you become the master of quality conversations. If you can master the art of having great conversations you will have all the success that you have been dreaming of.

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