Attracting Money Using the Law of Attraction

If you want to effectively learn how to attract money using the Law of Attraction, you've got to go deeper than just doing affirmations and "thinking positive." This articles tells you a rare secret for using the Law of Attraction to attract money which gets you to the heart of attraction without a lot of work.
What you must do when using the Law of Attraction is to learn how to manifest money through "unseen" or "unconscious" means, which are found at deeper levels than your conscious mind.
How deep do I mean?

 I mean going straight to your subconscious mind and addressing all the negative beliefs you have around money. Now, many people such as yourself hear this and say, "Gee, I don't think I have any negative beliefs around money, so this doesn't apply to me," or say, "But I'm doing money affirmations to change my subconscious mind, so this doesn't apply to me, either," right? Wrong! If you've been living in today's modern society, you most likely have absorbed many negative beliefs about money that are working straight against all those money affirmations you're doing when using the Law of Attraction for money goals.
These "unseen and unheard" money beliefs are lurking in the background of your mind and discrediting all that "positive thinking" you're trying to "shove down its throat." Your subconscious mind doesn't really like to change that much, as well as it has a "gatekeeper" (your conscious mind) to keep out all those radical thoughts that go against the grain of your subconscious. And it is your subconscious that is consistently putting out an energetic signal about money (either good or bad) to which the Law of Attraction can't help but respond.
So, what you want to do is teach your subconscious mind how to attract money and you may already be trying to do this by reciting money affirmations. Now, I will admit that money affirmations do eventually work, but they take huge amounts of continual effort to get them past your conscious mind's resistance.
A better way to teach your subconscious mind how to attract money is to use something called silent subliminals that go straight past your conscious mind to get directly absorbed by your subconscious mind because the "gatekeeper" (your conscious mind) can't hear the affirmations, so they don't get discredited. This takes off a huge layer of resistance to your affirmations.
But, even if you use the silent subliminals, you still must use "targeted subliminals" that address many of today's negative money beliefs in a safe and gentle fashion. Why? Because, again, no matter how many money affirmations you do for a "large sum of money," if one of your "negative social beliefs around money" is that people with money are bad and greedy, then you're not going to get that large sum of money because you don't want to be a "bad, greedy" person. So, your ship is sunk before it even gets afloat, and the sad part about this is that most people don't even know their ship has a hole in it! Why? Because most people are not aware of the negative social beliefs they've picked up from society. That's why it's important to find and use affirmations that address these beliefs and gently "coax" your subconscious into feeling good around having money.
Once you know how to attract money by addressing your specific subconscious barriers to having money, you're set up to use the Law of Attraction for money successfully because then your mind goes on "auto pilot" and simply works to attract money. It knows how to manifest money even when you're sleeping because it's sending out an energetic signal that "money is good" and that "you are deserving" and the Law of Attraction has no choice but to respond because the Law of Attraction is all about energy. This is the easiest and most effective way to learn how to attract money using the Law of Attraction.

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