Money Inside You

Money is very important in our day to day activities in this life, almost everything we do involves the use of money in one way or the other. There seem to be nothing that can be done in this present world without using money. If you look well and consider the system of this world you will find my claim to be really true. If you have a child in school, you need to spend money to help that child understand and learn in this modern, highly technical world.
The issue of money has brought a lot of changes into the way life is lived on planet earth.

 In many developing countries of the world, many unspeakable things are daily happening because of people's desperate need and quest for more money without been ready to do legitimate work to earn the money they so desperately desire to have. Can you imagine a father who is ready to sacrifice or use his only son for rituals that will be producing money in a diabolical manner? In the third world, we have seen and heard about cases of husbands using their wives for money rituals and vice-versa, mother using her child, brother or sister using his or her siblings for ritual to get wealth without any rigors.
Yes, this is true because there are some spiritualists who claim that they can use things and especially human beings to do money rituals and people are doing it. No wonder, the Bible says that, "The love of money is the root of all evil". Looking seriously at this biblical statement, one cannot but see the truth that the LOVE of money has driven many people to different kinds of unimaginable crimes. I want to submit in this write-up that money is not evil neither is it wrong to desire to amass wealth if you intend to go about it the very right way. What is basically wrong is the craze to want to get it at ALL cost, the will to want to do just anything to get it no matter whose ox is gored. This malady must not be allowed to continue among human beings
You can earn more money without going into any form of crime, you can amass wealth the honest way. Yes, it is true, you can very rich doing the right things and helping people and making money in the process. The first thing you have to understand is that, the money you need begins from the inside of you. The money must first exist on the inside of you, you must first create it inside you, then the power to bring it to real life experience will be given to you by the divine. If you do not have it or create it inside of you first, then forget having it in real life, no matter how hard you work. What you are reading is really true, if you want to be wealthy, then it must start from the inside of you, then you will be given the power to get wealth which is the IDEA that will pump in money to your bank account but it all begins with having the money inside you.

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