Some Online Marketing Basic Strategies Can Make You The Most Money

Making money is easy if you know how to do it right. Here are some highly recommended online marketing strategies that will help you make the most money.
1) Article marketing. - This is one of the easiest online marketing methods to execute. You don't have to spend large sums of money in order for this to work. All you need is a little time, and you can easily earn profits from your web businesses. So what does article marketing entail?
First, you will be a list of some of the most popular article directories on the Internet. These are well established sites with a strong online presence. You will benefit from their existing user base. The search engines also deliver a lot of traffic to these sites and as you know, back links from well respected websites are always good for search engine optimization purposes.
Submit enough articles and your own sites will rank well in the search engines.
Next, you will need to spend some time to write and submit articles on a daily basis. You don't have to churn out dozens of articles each day. But you do have to be prepared to write high quality (and useful) content for your readers. Here are some tips on how to write articles.
* Use a keyword rich title.
* Stay on topic and do not digress.
* Write useful tips and info that you know your readers will want to read.
* Do not publicize yourself in the article body. Do it in the author resource box.
* Scan other related sites for ideas.
Make it a habit to write 3 to 5 articles daily and submit them to all the sites in your directory list. Over time, you will start to receive more and more traffic. The more traffic you receive, the more money you make.
2) Email marketing. - This is a very powerful online marketing strategy. Here is how email marketing works. When you drive traffic to your site, these people are really cold visitors. They do not (yet) trust you. So they are unlikely to make a purchase from you.
What you can do is to give away something for free and in exchange, you ask for their email addresses. These are subscribers of your email list. Using tools like autoresponders, you may then follow up with these subscribers with even more great content and free stuff. The idea is to make your prospects as happy as possible so that they learn to trust you. When they do, they will start buying from you and you will start to make more and more money.
In addition, you can always send an email to your list to tell them about new products, latest offers, etc. You can also perform up-sells and cross-sells and boost profits.
Once you are able to understand the above two marketing strategies, you can combine them. Drive article marketing traffic to a lead capture page and then use email marketing to try and convert those prospects into paying customers.

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