Three Top Online Jobs For Teenagers

As the job market has become more and more competitive, many teenagers have begun to search for online jobs. This type of employment offers a more flexible work schedule (it's whenever you decide you want to work), lower stress, and potentially more money. The problem is that many teens do not where to look to find a good online job. That is why I have searched the Web for you, and in this article I will tell you about the three best ways for teenagers to make money online.
1) Squidoo: Yes, it has a funny name, but this website can be great for those who would like to earn money on the internet! All you need to to is write articles. Squidoo will then place ads around each one of your articles, and you will get 50% of all the revenue that the advertisements generate (Squidoo takes the other half).
The key to being successful with Squidoo is to write high quality articles. There are already so many junk articles on the Web, so it will do you much more good to write quality articles, rather than a quantity of them. Although, having a lot of high quality articles doesn't hurt either!
2) Blogging: Making money blogging is very similar to working on Squidoo, but has a few key differences. You will still write articles, and then earn money from advertisements, but that's where the similarities end. For instance, now you will need to find a way to put ads up on your blog. I recommend that you use AdSense, but you will need a parent's help to do this (you must be 18 or older to sign up for AdSense). Also, you will find that it is harder to get people to come read your articles. Squidoo already has established visitors, but with your own blog you will have to start from scratch. But here's where the good difference comes in. instead of getting only 50% of the ad revenue, you will get 100% of it! Blogging will take you more work, but it has a higher profit potential.
3) Online Surveys: Taking paid surveys is a very fun and profitable job. All you have to do is sign up for a few survey companies, and then they will start sending you surveys to your email address. Each survey takes about 20 minutes to complete, and will pay you about $2.00. Just be sure that you do your research on any survey company you plan on joining, because some of them will try to scam you. Don't worry though! A Google search will be able to tell you within five minutes whether or not a survey company is a scam.

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