What Reasons are Why Husbands Abandon Their Wives

Respect is very important in every home. And for any marriage to succeed, the head (the husband) must be respected. Men love respect. They are not happy when people, especially women, disrespect them.
Complementing a man's role in the home is the duty of the woman who doubles as a wife and mother. Nowadays, most women contend with the issue of authority at home, even though the men are entrusted with the power to lead. God honored them with that, and so they can do anything within their power to protect it. As great fighters, men don't give up until their aims are achieved. They are success-oriented as against the emotional and relational nature of women. Bearing in mind that abandoning their duties at the home-front can be regarded as an act of irresponsibility, so men eagerly pursue the course of maintaining their leadership positions in the home, no matter whose ox is gored.
The authority that was given to man by God as the head of the family, is what inspires him to perform his duty without looking back. At the time getting married, he always tries to get himself a woman that will respect him for who he is.
The point here is that men hate women who will compete with them rather than complementing their work in the home. They are easily turned off in homes where nagging or disrespectful wives abound. As much as men love honour and respect, they don't mind putting their trust on any woman who values, respects and honours them for who they are. This is why House-helps take over the work of most wives at home. Just as we know them, house-helps are naturally trained to honour and respect those that employ them.
House-helps are those employed in the homes for the purpose of carrying out some domestic duties. They are engaged in certain jobs like baby-sitting, house cleaning, cooking, running errands, etc. They are naturally trained to serve different people who may not be related to them. They are either paid in cash (salaries), or in kind, depending on the agreement. The ability to respect, greet people properly (sometimes bowing before them), and serving without reservation, puts them in high demand. These qualities help them to win the love and admiration of their employers. As a result of over doing things, they tend to win the hearts of their employers who, in turn, appreciate then in some other ways.
In homes where housewives chose the paths of disrespect and competition, house-helps normally take over the work of balancing issues with their husbands. This is why most husbands prefer them more than their wives. Women who leave sensitive areas in the home in the hands of house-helps are the worst hit. Assigning house-helps the duty of cooking and serving meals to their husbands can lead to unholy affairs. In homes where house-helps are allowed to hold briefs for the wives, problems always develop because husbands will be comparing them to their wives. When these husbands get accustomed to the services of house-helps at home, they tend to prefer them more than their wives.
However, in the course of discharging their duties in the home, house-helps often become more preferred because they are always down-to-earth in whatsoever they do. It should be remembered that house-helps are known to overdo things positively, even when they are not convenient. Men who quickly develop interest in women of easy virtues, always keep dates with them, no matter their level or class. When a woman truly shows love and respect to such a man, he normally reciprocates in some ways. Being relational in nature, women see every move of appreciation made by men as an opportunity to build and cement a relationship. Also being success-oriented is what makes men to see any work that has not yielded any fruit as being incomplete. Hence, they tend to stick their neck to such works in search of a positive result - the point where one thing leads to another, and whose end-result may either be good or bad.
Every human being is created complete but he/she hardly achieves a hundred percent success in life. Both men and women have weak points which when properly understood can lead to a successful home, giving no chance to the second person, who may be low in class as the house-help. Today's women are struggling to find time in their days to swap hats among the numerous ones they already wear. The blames will always go to the women because they tend to have abandoned their glorious positions in the home, to compete with the men at the gate. This is not without negative results. These results may range from conflicting messages that attempt to define the role of women in the home as against the will of God for them. As a result, they look for where they can fit in by the world's standard, as well as their relationships with their husbands, their spirituality and the very identity that they carry as women.
It is true that there are bad men who parade themselves today as husbands the same way there are women. Most homes today are without the roles of the "husband" and the "father". As a result, the children are left to make and enforce laws, all by themselves. The Bible contains the timeless truths for every home to move beyond the present ugly situations that beset it. When we begin today to embrace and live according to God's truths, and refuse to fall for the lies of Satan, we will be transformed from an unsafe, unhealthy, and empowered people, to a safe, healthy and empowered people, where intruders like house-helps, rule no more!

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