The Simple Way to End Your Trichotillomania

While there is no magical mystery cure for trichotillomania, there is a tried and true, One-Step, One-Minute Cure for every man, woman or child struggling with compulsive hair pulling.
What is this One-Step, One-Minute Cure and how does it work to end your pulling behavior?
It removes the negative inner judgment that plagues you and causes you to be intensely self-critical.
This judgment causes you to view yourself through the eyes of what you believe others think about you and the more negative it is, the more power you allow it to have over you.
Removing your negative inner judgment is the "instant-fix" that you've may be seeking for your hair pulling problem. Unfortunately, our self-judgments are so entrenched and enforced by society that few are able to take this to heart enough to free themselves for good.
Medication and cognitive behavior therapy, self-help hypnosis, hypnotherapy and NLP are treatments that trichotillomania sufferers commonly try early on though they rarely work. Addictions and compulsions like trichotillomania can't be "quick-fixed" away because they are really soul issues disguised as body issues.
Soul issues must be dealt with as such. They come to you for a deeper reason and from a deeper cause. Soul issues are the primary force to grow and deepen as humans. If not for these, we would merrily skip on about our business but we would not grow our souls.
When you find yourself struggling to end your hair pulling, stop and try the One-Step, One Minute Trichotillomania Treatment:
Here it is in a nutshell:
"I can stop hair pulling for good and I do it easily and quickly.
Each time I harshly judge myself, I can quickly find a place of self-compassion and perfect peace and I do it."
Each time you say these statements you are training your mind to believe that hair pulling is resolvable (which it is) and that you can remove unfair self-criticism from your life. You are also clearing a space for grace and Spirit in any form in which you believe to enter and bring you the perfect experiences to free yourself from hair pulling for good.
The One-Step, One-Minute Cure for Trichotillomania is very effective for some, so if you find yourself unable to make it work for you, it means that:
Other quick-fix solutions are unlikely to work for you so save yourself the time and money for a "solution" that cannot help you resolve your deeper issues.
You'll need to find and resolve the deeper reasons why you cannot stop your self-judgment and hair pulling with this simple solution. Like many sufferers, you may find that the true cause of your problem lies in past traumas that must be unearthed and healed on the deepest of levels.
If you're a hair pulling woman, you may wish to research TrichotillomaniaFree Women's University where I teach the deeper lessons of how to stop your self-judgment and hair pulling for good.

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